The 21st installment in the James Bond franchise stars Daniel Craig as Bond, a reckless and careless new recruit at the MI6 team. After just earning his 00 status with his first two kills, he is sent to the Bahamas where he is to verse a money launderer named Le Chiffre in a game of Texas Hold 'Em Poker. But Bond must ensure that Le Chiffre's death comes at the hands of his own people.
Release Year: 2006
*Star:Jeffrey Wright
*Star:Judi Dench
*Star:Mads Mikkelsen
*Star:Daniel Craig
*Star:Eva Green
*Director:Martin Campbell
*Screenwriter:Neal Purvis
*Screenwriter:Robert Wade
*Screenwriter:Paul Haggis
Casino Royale - Trailer
Gönderen Kanter zaman: 16:34
Etiketler: action, Casino Royale, FILM and ANIMATION, James Bond, trailer
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